Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Some pencils to start

Watercolor experiment

So the bren man just explained the name and psoted a beuatiful work of art.Hmm I ma still waiting for Daniel to start. Where is that jerk?
Oh and yes heres is a watercolor pic I did today , doing figurative with watercolors is a bitch.but yesterday I had a breakthrough of sorts.I thought of simplyfying tones , one highlight one shadow and one midtone, and to think that I came with this idea months after first starting coloring me equal to stupid heher.Actually earlier I used to complicate things using multiple tones and all, umm the piece itself isnt great or for that matter even good. but its an improvement of a sort. Oh and this pic isnt ref'd. took abot 15 minutes or so. the size A4.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Solitary Trio

cool, thanks bhanu.

Right, the train of thought behind "three fingers" in that we are three artists, each going in our own directions but all three of us use visual art to create works (the metaphorical pencil or brush). Apart from that, most people use three fingers to hold a pencil or brush (or at least two fingers and a thumb). So three fingers are necessary to create an artwork.

Onto some more art.
This is an illustration I did for college. Not a final piece but I thought it was worth sharing for now. Many more to come, hope you enjoy this one!

The three fingers AHOY

This blog as you know is a group project by myself ,Brendan and Daniel. We have been freinds for more than a year now. We have creatively grown together after we first met at and by gee have we grown or what.Our styles are radically different .
Okay so I am still shit, but you gotta have a look at Brendon's top notch pro digital art and mindblowing masterful lead art by Daniel. As for me I just do some dud comic work .SO now you know how different we are ,yet how same.

This is the second post at our group blog. I really want Brendon to tell how we came up with his name cuz its his brain child. But here I have done some logo sketches , the bad scans suck . thats why I wont be posting more scanned images till I get my digicam that it till this weekend. DOnt worry I ahve heaps of updates I will shove all of them here after I get my camera.

i really hope Brendan and Daniel post all of this stuff. Its hard for them cuz they are alwasy so busy , but I am ideal so you gonna see a lot of me , be sure of that. And btw before I go here are some digital peices by mouse(me gots not tablet you see).

Monday, February 26, 2007

three fingers

Welcome to the the hand.
Three Fingers is a joint art project between Daniel, Bhanu and myself.
In this blog we'll share our artwork and thoughts on the field of art.

and I sincerely hope I can edit this later.

The Authors